Scheduling Tasks in JavaScript or TypeScript with Croner

by Hexagon, , Updated: 4 minutes read javascript typescript cron croner tasks scheduling guide

Managing time-based tasks in JavaScript has never been easier with Croner, a powerful tool designed to trigger functions or evaluate cron expressions on various platforms. Whether you're working in Node.js, Deno, Bun, or even directly within a browser, Croner has you covered. In this article, I'll give you a brief introduction on how to use Croner.

Introduction to Croner

Croner is a robust JavaScript and TypeScript tool for:

  • Triggering functions using the familiar Cron syntax.
  • Evaluating cron expressions to get a list of upcoming run times.
  • Scheduling tasks targeting different time zones.
  • Including TypeScript typings and handling asynchronous functions.
  • Pausing, resuming, or stopping tasks once scheduled.
  • All these without needing a database or any configuration files.

Try Croner Live on JSFiddle or delve into the Full Documentation.

Quick Start with Croner

Here are some examples of what you can do with Croner:

// Basic scheduling: Run a function every fifth second
const job = Cron("*/5 * * * * *", () => {
  console.log("This will run every fifth second");

// Get dates for the next 100 Sundays
const nextSundays = Cron("0 0 0 * * 7").nextRuns(100);

// Days left to the next Christmas Eve
const msLeft = Cron("59 59 23 24 DEC *").nextRun() - new Date();
  Math.floor(msLeft / 1000 / 3600 / 24) + " days left to next christmas eve",

// Schedule a function at a specific date/time in a different timezone
Cron("2024-01-23T00:00:00", { timezone: "Asia/Kolkata" }, () => {

Installing Croner

Setting up Croner is straightforward. Simply install it using your favorite package manager or CDN and include it in your project:

For Node.js or Bun:

// Using ESM Import
import { Cron } from "croner";
// or CommonJS Require
const { Cron } = require("croner");

For Deno:

import { Cron } from "";

For Webpages (UMD-module):

<script src=""></script>

Cron Expressions

Croner builds upon the popular Vixie-cron pattern with enhancements like:

  • L for the last day and weekday of a month.
  • # for the nth weekday of a month.

A quick look at the pattern:

* * * * * *
| | | | | |
| | | | | +--- Day of the Week (0 - 6, SUN-Mon)
| | | | +----- Month (1 - 12, JAN-DEC)
| | | +------- Day of the Month (1 - 31)
| | +--------- Hour (0 - 23)
| +----------- Minute (0 - 59)
+------------- Second (0 - 59, Optional)

Croner: Going Beyond Basics

Job Status and Control

Croner offers robust functionalities to track and control the status of jobs. Using the below methods, you can:

// Check the status of the next job run
job.nextRun(/*optional*/ startFromDate); // Returns a Date object representing the next run.

// Get an array containing the dates of the next n runs
job.nextRuns(10, /*optional*/ startFromDate);

// Determine the milliseconds left until the next execution
job.msToNext(/*optional*/ startFromDate);

// Obtain a Date object displaying when the current (or last) run was initiated

// Access a Date object showing when the previous job was initiated

With these functionalities, it’s possible to ascertain whether:

  • The job is scheduled and not paused or terminated using job.isRunning().
  • The job has been permanently stopped using job.isStopped().
  • The job is currently executing work using job.isBusy().

To obtain the original pattern string, simply use job.getPattern().

Managing Jobs with Control Functions

You can control jobs through the following methods:

// Instantly trigger a job

// Pause the job's trigger

// Resume the job's trigger

// Permanently stop the job

After using job.stop(), the job cannot be resumed. This also removes named jobs from the exported scheduledJobs array.

Configurations and Options

Croner allows extensive configurability, making it adaptable to diverse needs:

  • name: Assign a unique name to the job, and Croner will maintain a reference in the exported array scheduledJobs, which will be removed upon executing .stop().
  • maxRuns: Limit the number of runs for a job.
  • catch: Manage unhandled errors in triggered functions. A true value will ignore errors silently, while passing a callback function will trigger this callback on error.
  • timezone: Define a specific timezone in Europe/Stockholm format.
  • startAt & stopAt: Schedule using ISO 8601 formatted datetime in local time, according to the timezone parameter if passed.
  • interval: Set a minimum number of seconds between triggers.
  • paused: Decide if the job should be paused from start.
  • context: This is passed as the second parameter to the triggered function.
  • legacyMode: Combine day-of-month and day-of-week using true = OR, false = AND.
  • unref: Unref the internal timer, allowing the process to exit even if a cron job is running.
  • utcOffset: Schedule using a specific utc offset in minutes.
  • protect: Enable over-run protection, blocking new triggers as long as an old one is in progress.

Here’s an example of how to set the configurations:

const job = Cron("*/5 * * * * *", {
  name: "MyJob",
  maxRuns: 10,
  catch: true,
  timezone: "Europe/Stockholm",
  startAt: "2023-10-17T23:43:00",
  stopAt: "2023-12-17T23:43:00",
  interval: 60,
  paused: false,
  context: {},
  legacyMode: true,
  unref: false,
  utcOffset: 120,
  protect: true,
}, () => {
    "This will run every fifth second, with the defined configurations",

Why Choose Croner?

While there are other JavaScript cron implementations out there, Croner shines because:

  • It’s bug-free and avoids bloated dependencies.
  • It works across all environments as expected.
  • Offers features like over-run protection, error handling, and more that some other libraries lack.
  • For an in-depth comparison of various libraries, check the detailed comparison at

Wrapping Up

If you've been searching for a comprehensive, efficient, and versatile cron job tool for JavaScript, look no further than Croner. Whether you're scheduling regular tasks, need time-specific function triggering, or simply want to evaluate future run times based on cron patterns, Croner is a reliable choice. Don't forget to check out its official documentation for a deeper dive into its capabilities.

Try Croner Live on jsfiddle or delve into the Full Documentation.

Happy coding!

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